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Auvergne, France - At the Heart of France

Auvergne, France

Since Vercingetorix, Auvergne, France, high country with leaden baldness, glossy soaked by rain and oxygen arises mystical dungeon France.
Shivering in the ECIR (the mountain wind), just waiting to find a new life under the sign of clean air silence and contemplative hike heart melancholic and dramatic landscapes that are among the most unique and best preserved in Europe.

Auvergne, France - Highlands

Auvergne, France color coal towns, large high as those of Mongolia grassland, infernal fumes and paradisiacal valleys, not forgetting, of course, some nice specimens of Auvergne, France: suspicious at first, jokers to the second (Fernand Raynaud was Allier), and generous when the ice is broken.
Today, the Auvergne, France is one of the preferred destinations for green eyes of those seeking the charm and authenticity. Even spas are no longer smile.
And what beautiful Auvergne, France cover tables, large, small, known, marginal, quiet, volcanic.

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